Playa Luna
Custom canvas design with guadua bamboo structure.
During the winter of 2015 we had a request from the owner of an amazing private lake, to help them turn the land and the houses into a wedding paradise called Playa Luna.
We have got Dimensions on board for this work, it took us 2 years to bring in an extented version of the covering with additional 250 square meters of custom tents in 4 pieces above the 330 squares already covered in the first step in 2016 spring.
This request specified the exclusive use of bamboo as structural material, so we came up with the idea to experiment with epoxy and kevlar joints instead of traditional bamboo joint or screws and steel.
The outcome speaks for itself, we could achieve a stunning effect where the natural feeling of the canvases got supported by selected guadua bamboos, and the owerall structure has become extremely strong becouse of the kevlar stripes applied.
We have checked all details before canvasing up for second season, now this project is complete and hopefully will be used for a few more years if it gets good handling and maintenance.
The experience from this custom extension shows that these tents need good care if they are planned to be used for long term setups, in this case 6-7 months a year which is a little bit more than a full warm season in Hungary.
Playa Luna